12: How To Show Up For Your People. Creating A Magnetic Brand, With Braden Drake.


Braden Drake kinda broke the mold in his industry. As a practicing lawyer and bookkeeper, he really didn’t want to be (or hang out with) a buttoned up, know-it-all kind of professional.

He wanted the freedom to be his true self, even at work, which included a playful sense of humor, having fun on social media, and working with clients who inspired him.

In our conversation, Braden shares his pivotal moment when he decided to really “let people in” and how it helped him create a brand that attracts not just clients, but raving fans.

If you ever wonder how to find the balance between your real self and your business persona, this is an episode I think you’ll really enjoy! 

Episode Links:


13: Follow Your Nightmares. Talking Money And Finding Your Ideal Business, With Lynne Somerman.


11: From “Me” To “We”. Stepping Up As The CEO Of Your Business, With Tasha Booth.